Comments on: The Meaning of (after)Life Sun, 03 Mar 2013 08:21:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cliff Cliff Mon, 04 May 2009 10:35:56 +0000 there is no one answer to that. but i can tell you that the god that people have defined does not exist the the thing you call “God” didnt make the universe humans or any life on earth he never wanted to be worshiped he just took an interest in us from time to time so did other things like him but it seems like he has been keeping them from messing with the earth as of late.
the meaning of life in general is to grow in any way. you see biological life is a very good way for “spirits” that are very low in power to gain power without much risk of losing power but if you cant “survive” death because you didnt have enough power to maintain your consciousness then you just simply fade/disperse back into the energy of the universe and your gone forever heaven and hell are just terms to control people so that people can make others do what they think is right.

By: Baby name meaning and origin for Greta Baby name meaning and origin for Greta Wed, 24 Dec 2008 05:58:10 +0000 [...] The Meaning of (after)Life | Terahertz reddit_url=’’ reddit_title=’Baby name meaning and origin for Greta’ [...]

By: I met a pentecostal… at Terahertz I met a pentecostal… at Terahertz Sat, 09 Aug 2008 05:33:18 +0000 [...] asked about what meaning in life there is in atheism, where morals/ethics come from, are there objective morals without god, etc.  [...]

By: Alan Alan Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:56:10 +0000 I got into an argument once with an old friend when she found out i was an atheist(which only so far has seemed to happen with women, I wonder if thats statistically significant), she was a devout christian (if united church can be really called devout) and kept rehashing the fact that atheism doesn’t apply a meaning to life. I heared “According to Atheism(TM) I could off myself now and it wouldn’t matter” about a million different ways. A few years later I came up with the soundbite response “just because life is meaningless does not mean that it is worthless”. I wish I had thought of it during the argument.
