Comments on: Bail out the auto industry – with strings Sun, 03 Mar 2013 08:21:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Ian Sat, 11 Apr 2009 18:18:32 +0000 That’s the point of the strings, so the jobs don’t get lost.

And why the false dichotomy? It’s not anarchy vs. communism, there’s plenty of options for how we can organize our society such that everyone has the chance to look after themselves and their loved ones.

By: Dude Dude Sat, 11 Apr 2009 16:27:43 +0000 Canada gives money to US auto industry…. US gives more money to US auto industry… who loses the jobs? Canada of course.

Govt has no business here, nor do they have right to give tax dollars to private companies to keep them in business… thats called a loan and it should be handled within our banking system. If they cant get a loan they declare bankruptcy protection and maybe another auto company takes them over (or not). Otherwise people need to move on.. yeah its hard but life isnt always supposed to be easy.

Anarchy VS Socialism…. I choose anarchy because Canadians are smart enough to look after ourselves and our loved ones.. I dont need Harper or Iggy or any other stooges to feed me my pablum.

By: Vindication | Terahertz Vindication | Terahertz Thu, 27 Nov 2008 16:02:02 +0000 [...] It seems I beat the Edmonton Journal to the punch. Their newest editorial calls on Canadian innovation in green vehicles to reshape the auto industry. Sounds familiar. [...]

By: Brian D Brian D Wed, 26 Nov 2008 23:39:59 +0000 Mike,

You really don’t want a Volt. They’re a terrible example of a plug-in hybrid fraught with problems even in the prototyping phase (when they brought demo Volts out to showcase them on a promotion tour, they literally broke down on suburb-grade slopes!).

The Volt is also designed to be hydrogen-compatible, which is a big dead end that essentially delays production and ramps up the price with no benefit to the consumer.

There are other plug-in hybrid techs being developed by other car companies — and not just the big ones, either (example: AFS Trinity). Virtually all exceed the Volt already in performance and very likely will in price as well.

If you want a plug-in hybrid, buy one from a company that isn’t one of the Big Three. If you vote with your dollars, don’t send them to a company that had full electric cars a decade ago and then prevented them from going to market in favor of Hummers.

By: ADHR ADHR Wed, 26 Nov 2008 20:52:03 +0000 The problem is that GM, Ford, and Chrysler are simply too big to fail. No, really. If they fail, then auto parts suppliers fail, too. And auto dealers, for that matter.

That said, there’s bailouts and then there’s bailouts. A loan (with interest) would be a reasonable way to spend tax dollars: the companies stay afloat, they keep the related industries up and running, and the taxpayers make a return on their tax dollars. Everyone wins, right?

By: Mike Mike Wed, 26 Nov 2008 17:35:40 +0000 Nope sorry.

I’ll vote with my spending dollar’s not my tax dollars. If the Big 3 can’t make a car I want or can afford, they should go out of business.


I want to by a Volt. Why are they waiting until 2010? I want more cars like the Prius or the Smart car. Where are the locally made, cheaper domestic alternatives to these?

But you know, I have my pick of about 10 models of SUV, eh?

Sorry, no tax money. Cut out the middle man here. I’ll happily give my money to Ford, GM and Chrysler when they make a product I want to buy.

No bail out. If they can’t cut it, let them fail.

Or do you plan to go after Circuit City and bail them out too? Cuz I would get a lot more use out of that…

By: Brian D Brian D Tue, 25 Nov 2008 23:34:35 +0000 You’re not the only one pointing out the use of green conditions on potential bailouts. Similar bottom-up ideals have found their ways from the New York Times bestseller lists (Van Jones’ Green Collar Economy is based entirely around bottom-up green packages as an economic stimulus) to the incoming White House (Obama’s transition site has similar ideals permeating throughout it; on the bailout itself, it looks like it’ll go through with major strings and oversight attached).

The ironic part is, it doesn’t need to be as totalitarian as people think such control often is. According to some, a complete retooling of the economy to get the US completely off of oil in a short span of time can be done, led almost entirely by business for profit. (Summary here, warning, large video but well worth it.)

Of course, this assumes that conservative thought doesn’t dominate business. If that continues, I think we all know the result.

By: Alan Alan Tue, 25 Nov 2008 16:30:22 +0000 But But telling the industry what to do… thats… COMMUNISM!!!
