Comments on: The numbers don’t work like that Sun, 03 Mar 2013 08:21:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: JB JB Sun, 14 Dec 2008 03:21:41 +0000 Yes some of those who did not turn out will show up to vote if the system is reformed. I have voted for every major party, to little effect. I have declined ballots but they are never reported and now you have to announce that you are declining so there goes the secret part.

Not voting at all, a first for me, turns out to be the most effective method of registering a protest vote. If you want change don’t vote.

As far as numbers not working…rather than twist yourself into a pretzel trying to undo the will of those that did vote why not take it like a man and accept the results? Oh wait that would be like democracy, which, I guess, is only acceptable when it works as it is “suppose to”. Like capitalism people only like it when it goes their way. Maybe try taking power the old fashion way, steal it! It has worked in the past. grin

By: Pundits' Guide Pundits' Guide Fri, 12 Dec 2008 03:58:18 +0000 Ian, you’re a bit hard on Glen McGregor, who has done some very good data analysis for the Ottawa Citizen.

I believe by using the latest Ekos numbers for second-choice preference, he was trying to address some problems with the simple additive methodology you propose. But neither his methodology or yours addresses the issue of turnout, who stayed home in the last election, why, and whether they might have shown up to vote under other circumstances.

I blogged about this a bit at the Pundits’ Guide, and would appreciate your comments.
