Comments on: I reject the Iron Ring Science and compassion for a better world Wed, 26 Aug 2015 20:22:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Discriminatory engineers? | Terahertz Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:26:11 +0000 […] in this way and intends to appeal the decision, having dealt with similar organisational inertia in my protest of the Iron Ring ceremony (which involves the same people but is not officially a part of APEGA). Hopefully this brings about […]

By: Jason Thu, 18 Jul 2013 04:11:00 +0000 Unfounded, Nationalism garbage. I’m a human with pride. “Pride” shouldn’t apply to your place of origin. There’s nothing to be “Proud” about being born a Canadian, that’s just ignorant trash. I’m proud to be part of the human race, your proud to be part of separatism and negativity.

By: Jason Thu, 18 Jul 2013 04:08:54 +0000 You* Yours*.

What does his choice to not take part in an absolutely worthless, pointless ceremony have to do with his ability to become an engineer? Sure, i agree its not worth it to make a big deal out of something so small like the wording, but he makes a valid point. Judging by your spelling and grammar, you are not an engineer, nor educated in any way, shape, or form, so please re-frame from commenting shear ignorant nonsense on a blog meant for scientific, constructive discussion.

By: Jason Thu, 18 Jul 2013 04:01:03 +0000 To all of you odious bigots talking down on him for this decision, you should think about what you are saying. If he graduated with the ability to receive the ring, that means is intelligence in the field could be considered around equal to yours (Unless your experience after graduation is taken into account). Why should his personal choice of taking part in an absolutely pointless ceremony make him any less of a person? Last time i checked, he still has a degree in Engineering, and is still a rather intelligent, talented person. A material object (The Ring) doesn’t give you any status in the real world. Your intelligence and ability gives you status in the real world.

In my opinion, this comes down to the fact that the people who did take part in the ceremony, or have the wish to take part in the ceremony in the future feel in some way “Special” or as if they are part of “Royalty” because of it. Let me tell you kiddies now, it makes no difference. The only thing that really matters in this world is knowledge and ability.

I think anyone caught up in a fancy “Iron ring” over the training, experience, and knowledge of the individual engineer should re-think the profession, as it is supposed to be based on the science, not prestige. If you’re looking for that maybe you should think about a position in politics.

By: Jason Thu, 18 Jul 2013 03:54:11 +0000 Actually, if you studied basic Quantum Physics you would no that the Ideology of “God” is not un-scientific. Yes, it is unscientific that there is a man in robes in the sky watching over us, but the existence of a soul, and furthermore a world soul, which is the original meaning of “God” (It has just been twisted by modern Religions). Engineering has nothing to so with biology and life science, so please go acquire a basic understanding of something before you attack it. Please refer to Quantum physics, specifically things such as the Double Slit experiment and how it pertains to the old Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox, or Einstein’s theory on vibrational energy (Which is mostly proven today) and how it pertains to the original “Religious” scriptures (Which are not the Dead Sea Scrolls, they are the Emerald Tablets). I suppose i cant be too upset with your ignorance, you are programmed to reject anything that didn’t come from an authority figure in the Government or Corporate world. Perhaps the most ironic part is that you have faith in what you are fed, usually with no proof what-so-ever. How is this different from the faith religious people have in a creator? Yes, 99% of modern religions are very, very twisted from what they were originally meant to mean over 5000 years ago, but that in no way means that god is an un-scientific idea. Before you call something un-scientific, you should first learn the definition of the word (Ignorance at its finest). God means (Regardless of what the oxford dictionary tells you. That is kind of like referring to the Ku-Klux-Klan on the History of Africa) world soul, and not only is that not an un-scientific idea, but it has much scientific foundation. For example, Ant colonies were found recently by biologists to be able to communicate through some form of telepathy which differs from the neuro-chemical communication of man other insect species. The law of attraction, also has much biological foundation in the form of the well studied and well documented placebo effect, and/or the yawning phenomena. If we go back in history to even ancient times, we can see that science wasn’t as un-evolved as we tend to think. For example, the Quran, written roughly 1500 years ago, states many scientific principals, such as the fact that the moonlight is reflected light from the sun, that the earth is spherical, and even speaks metaphorically about evolutionary processes. Interestingly enough, Eastern Religions such as Hinduism and Islam, are the closest living organizes religious ancestor to the ancient beliefs written about in the Emerald Tablets, that today correspond with Quantum Physics. If we go even further back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians, when the “Myth” of the existence of an internal “Third Eye” or “Minds Eye” began as part of spiritualism, we can see that it is not far off at all from what science knows today. Biology knows that one of the main Endocrine Glands in the Human body, the Pineal Gland, is closely related on an evolutionary scale to the eyeballs, and even contains photo receptor cells. The outside of the gland is coated with a layer of multiple different solid neurotransmitter chemicals, which are a few of the only solid neurotransmitter chemicals in the body for a reason. The most widely known example is Dimethyltryptamine, as it has been studied by many doctors due to its highly psychoactive properties. Dimethyltryptamine, and other Tryptamines that make of the Crystalline, solid “Shell” of the pineal gland display a piezoelectric effect when stimulated with radiation such as sound/vibration, light, and presumably brain waves. This means that upon stimulation the Crystals of Tryptamines, Melatonin, Pinoline, and other Neurotransmitters emit photons, more commonly known as light. This light then travels down the spinal cord to every cell in the body. As we know from radio-communication, and more modern fiber optic communication light radiation can be a very dense carrier of information. This is known as Bio-Photonics or Bio-Electromagnetism. Just because something doesn’t appear scientific based on your grade school biology education, doesn’t mean it is in the real word. Thank you for your time, and i hope you re-think your ignorant view point.

By: TaraZ Thu, 11 Jul 2013 12:57:35 +0000 I didn’t say that part during the ceremony, and I don’t believe we had to sign anything.

It’s crazy that APEGA seems OK with us getting our ethics from Kipling (certainly an modern engineer’s “good character” shouldn’t include the sexism, racism, and homophobia that were the norm in Kipling’s day).

I certainly hope that there aren’t any engineers out there who expect God to “help” them hold their bridges up. Give me an untrusting, evidence-based skeptic or atheist engineer any day.

By: Brian Fri, 28 Jun 2013 15:37:50 +0000 Seriously, this is just sad that you posted this, and sad that I took the time to read it

I bet you were one of the people trying to get the national anthem changed as it says god keep our land. It is your right as a canadian to make ur decisions, just dont involve the rest of us with them. Living in Mexico I can see the things we have in Canada and take for granted. I wear my ring with pride and I sing my anthem with Pride.

By: Jeff Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:55:29 +0000 Hello.
I appreciate that you do not want to be “in”.
I also like to be “out”.

I was thinking that we could help each other.
I saw a great design for a unique ring that I want to use for the purpose of engagement.

The first image on the top right.

I want to use that one with an inscription for my future fiance. I think that with her wearing it as an engagement ring it will take away the meaning of Engineer as it is not placed on the pinky of the working hand but on the ring finger.

I was wondering if you can point me in the direction of someone that can make these types of rings ? I also need an inscription on the inside of the ring.

Thank you for your time IAN.

Please ignore everyone else for being so worried about a symbol.

I believe that people can live simple and fulfilling lives without all of this BS.

By: Othman Fri, 14 Jun 2013 21:08:40 +0000 how did u even become an engineer with the thick head of urs

By: Paul Thu, 21 Mar 2013 17:21:24 +0000 An attention seeking idiot looking for an issue that doesn’t exist.
Please don’t wear your iron ring. I don’t want people to know at a glance that you’re an engineer.
I don’t believe in religion, but I don’t make it an issue.

Damn, that’s 3 more minutes of my attention than you deserve.
