My first real Chick tract

I tend to collect any evangelical Christian tracts that I find lying around or that are handed out on the street, but usually I just get Living Waters tracts, which invariably end with the 10 commandments test.

Today, however, while shopping for a new coat at Southgate Mall in Edmonton, I came across my first authentic Jack T. Chick brand tract!

This specific version is the “Titanic” where the evil atheist Chester who rejects his aunt’s preaching, and then upon finding a note from her in his suitcase declares his eternal hatred for her and “her Jesus” and wishes she was dead. The Titanic then sinks and Chester at the Pearly Gates discovers that he’s not in The Book of Life and goes to hell.


6 thoughts on “My first real Chick tract”

  1. Devin Baillie says:

    Don’t get on any unsinkable ships unless you’re ready to repent, Ian.

  2. S says:

    You know that the rapture was last week, right?

  3. Nicholas FitzGerald says:

    Man, that god character is a real dick.

  4. Aden says:

    Ooh, ooh! Where did you find this? Was someone handing it out? I really want to find this person, just so I can witness it in real life in Canada. I’ve always found Chick Tracts to be hilarious instead of revolting, because I didn’t think anyone here took them seriously. If they’re being handed out live, I wanna find this guy.
    If it makes you atheists feel any better, Chick is also convinced that us Catholics are also going to hell, which in his conception must be a pretty crowded place.

    1. Ian says:

      I found just the one laying on a shelf in the Olympic-wear section of The Bay at Southgate in Edmonton. I’ve seen street preachers handing stuff out and spreading the gospel on Whyte Avenue a few times too (as well as the Scientologists)

  5. Brendan Taylor says:

    Really? I’ve already built quite a collection (from bus stops, folks on Whyte on a friday night, and one that was elastic-banded to a tree in the river valley).

    Chick tracts are possibly the best thing about living in Alberta.


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