Comments on: The Peak – Has Bill Nye sold out? Science and compassion for a better world Sun, 03 Apr 2016 14:28:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Wed, 13 Jul 2011 05:45:06 +0000 I agree, good test idea. I didn’t mean to suggest that this product may even come close to being a good deal. It only could if it cleaned better than chemical – including “organic” or “green” chemical – products for a period of time such that the long term cost of those chemicals is greater than the initial investment in the magic squirt gun.

My main point of this article was to call out bad skeptics who jumped on Nye for endorsing what initially seemed like a completely bogus product, which may only be a somewhat bogus product.

By: Ashley Zinyk Wed, 13 Jul 2011 05:41:01 +0000 The thing is, who wants to spend more than $150 to test a device that probably doesn’t work any better than ordinary water?

The City of Edmonton recently started using the sprayers, so there may be an opportunity to test it on their dime, if we can find someone who can do cell cultures. I propose the following single-blind test: 2*n pairwise-identical surfaces are labeled, 2*n matching petri dishes of growth medium are labeled, of and a coin flip determines which will be cleaned with the ActiveIon. The other will be cleaned by the same person, using the same method, but with an ordinary sprayer (using the same source water – if the ActiveIon requires distilled water, then the ordinary sprayer will be filled with the same). The coin flips will be recorded. Then the surfaces will be swabbed and cultured by a different person. The surfaces could also be evaluated for streaks. Then, the growth plates will be evaluated, and finally, the results will be correlated to which surface was cleaned with which product.

People who own an ActiveIon sprayer may be reluctant to have it tested, to avoid looking the fool, and may even have been warned about skeptics, so it may not be easy to do this test.
