Daily Split interview on assisted suicide

Last week I did an interview for the show The Daily Split. The shows plays on VisionTV and this episode played last night. My interview starts at 7:15 (which should be set in the embed below) and the host, Brian discusses assisted suicide further in his closing remarks “House of Common Sense”, which starts at 21:15.

The show’s byline is “it’s about free enterprise” and is unapologetically right-wing, so take what you want from the rest of it.

I wish I hadn’t called humanism “atheism plus” and would have expanded a bit more on how we believe in people’s ability to be good on their own, but it is what it is. Every interview could go a bit better, and this represents a bit of exposure and some practice.


2 thoughts on “Daily Split interview on assisted suicide”

  1. Veronica says:


    You did an excellent job of answering Brian’s questions; the “atheism plus” is an apt way to describe humanism to the uninformed. Is Brian as uniformed as he appears or is he faking? If he is not faking, he should do some research before he interviews a guest.

  2. thor says:

    Hahaha you ooze weakness. Like a socialist.


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