Rebooting… again

Every overly-long period of intermittent blogging should be followed by two things:

  1. A promise to blog more frequently
  2. A new theme.

At least I can show you the new theme now. Yes, it’s just the WordPress default Twenty-Fifteen but it’s nice, clean, and responsive. Plus, I’ve removed the ads that weren’t making me any money anyway, although I may bring them back in the future.

I won’t be blogging daily like I have at a few times in the past but I will be trying to post semi-regularly.

For now, you can read a piece I did a couple weeks ago for the BCHA on the possible implications of Dying With Dignity’s charity status being annulled. I have also linked to a few other articles I’ve written around the web over the past year, which you can find on my CV website.
