I get email – Human rights and Climate change

Recently, I wrote about a ruling against APEGA, Alberta’s professional association for engineers, by the province’s Human Rights Tribunal.

Low and behold, the defendant in the case, Ladislav Mihaly, emailed me with a follow up request for help.

My name is Ladislav Mihaly, and I am the Engineer who won the case Ladislav Mihaly vs. APEGA.

I do not intend to publish my opinion regarding the Tribunal decision and fighting APEGA over the Internet as they do with me. I am writing you this E-mail, because you probably could help me to start a discussion or challenging AL GORE, APEGA and all the scientist of the World. I want to show to people that the whole theory about Human effect on climate is only spam and has nothing to do with carbon dioxide. My evidence is very clear and simple calculation. Also I want to prove that the ethanol fuel is generating around 1.8 times more carbon dioxide as the regular hydrocarbon based fuel. I already many years ago wanted to publish my evidence, but all the Canadian Universities, APEGA and Government just ignored my new development. In case if I could publish my calculation, I could prove that my Engineering skill and education level is farewell above the recent scientist level. I would like to ask you to take the position of the moderator, to avoid dirty and unhealthy discussion over the net. The calculation is only small part of my scientific study and development, but could lead to suspension of Nobel prize for Al Gore.

Please let me know if you are ready to hand this kind of open and public discussion.

Thank you in advance.

Ladislav Mihaly

Yep, our persecuted foreign engineer has a “evidence” that climate change is not human caused. This, despite the position of the overwhelming majority of the world’s climate scientists.

So while I maintain my position that Mihaly’s complaint was valid and that his application for certification should be evaluated on its merits, I can’t say I’d be cheering for him to be certified any time soon (even though climate change denialism is rampant among engineers – here’s an enlightening survey of APEGA members).


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