One thought on “Live tweeting Can-Quadra all candidates forum”

  1. Of course most (or at least many) bunsseis owners don’t care about anybody but themselves. Nothing new there. There is evil in the world. Nothing new there, either. Of course we all need to be prepared to deal with such things. Again, not new. But don’t you think that being prepared for evil is only half of the story? Don’t you think that trying to put a stop to unethical bunsseis behavior also is worthwhile?As for inane references . well, I happen to adore Gordon Gekko, fictional though he is, because he is so well known and epitomizes the sociopathic attitude of a pure capitalist. So although Gekko is fictional, I don’t consider references to him in this context to be at all inane. Rather, I consider it a very efficient way to refer to a constellation of self-centered and greed-related concepts. I’m sure you didn’t mean to suggest that a reference to Sandy Weill in this context is inane. You are far too bright and well-informed to do that. I’m sure you know why Sandy Weill resembles a real-life Gordon Gekko. As you know, Sandy Weill is the guy who engineered the repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act so that the illegal 1998 merger of Citibank and Travelers Insurance (which Weill also engineered) would become legal after the fact. Oh, Weill had help, as I’m sure you would remind us, and that help included Bill Clinton; but Weill is the guy who got the repeal to happen. Glass-Steagal (adopted after the Great Depression to prevent another one) kept retail banking separate from investment banking. Once that pesky job-killing bit of regulation was removed the American financial system was free to engage in activities which led directly to enormous risks being taken and enormous fortunes being made. It also led directly to the financial meltdown of a few years ago. Of course Weill had made a HUGE personal fortune before the sky fell in on the rest of us. Now, even Weill thinks that the repeal of Glass-Steagal was a mistake, but the damage has been done.Although I love humor, somehow discussing Snidely Whiplash in the context of real life bunsseis ethics issues in a world where there are real life Gordon Gekkos running around doing real damage to real people simply doesn’t do it for me.Yes, we all should be well-informed and careful, but we also should be looking for ways to put the brakes on bad bunsseis behavior before it does damage. Caveat emptor alone simply is not enough.

  2. AFAICT you’ve covered all the bases with this answer!

  3. That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx


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