Monthly Archives: September 2007

Fire alarms suck

Especially in an unfinished condo complex at 4:30 in the morning. Even more so when I planned to get up at 6:30 and wanted that sleep.

At least I got to meet my neighbours – who all find this pretty ridiculous.

Oh and at least the water fountain will be installed next week – because landscaping and having this place look pretty matters more to me then a parking lot, or countless things around my unit.

An update from the club

So the UofA Atheists and Agnostics is well on it’s way already.  Our first event was on 12 September – The Immaculate Conception Mixer – where we showed The Root of All Evil.  The event was well received and we filled our classroom with about 60 attendees.  The next events that we’re keeping our eyes on are a talk about to be given by a professor of Christian Theology at the University entitled “Beyond the Creation vs. Evolution Debate” which should be interesting.  We are also hoping to present the Crystal Clear Atheism Conference from Washington, D.C. on next Friday.

Our club membership is soaring and we’ve received many words of praise from new members.

It looks to be a good year for our group.

One of my Blog Rules

When I write here, I often provoke some people into posting comments, and I like these, it proves that someone reads my stuff (beyond just the stat tracking), and it lets me think.  But something in me tells me not to comment on others comments.  I think what it comes from is partially in that I don’t want to turn any post into a discussion thread, and also that I have my post to say what I mean, and if I didn’t do it effectively, then I should have written it better, as opposed to trying to defend my points after someone counters them.

 So in general you will never see me comment on other’s comments – although newer postings may be inspired by past comments.

Any comments?