Help PZ Myers

Dr. PZ Myers, of the Pharyngula blog is being persecuted by Bill Donahue and the “Catholic League” for daring to characterize the Catholic uproar over a stolen cracker as ludicrous. Dr. Myers has now received several death threats, and likely many more letters and emails are being sent to the president of his university to call for his termination.

Please read the release at Pharyngula and take the time to help. This is a matter of free speech, academic freedom, and just plain old rationality.

Update: Here is the email that I sent:

Dear Dr. Bruinicks,

I am writing on behalf of Dr. PZ Myers of your biology department.  Undoubtedly by now you have received countless emails both attacking and praising him.  Calling for his termination (or worse) or his promotion.  With that being said, I would like to put my voice on his side.

While the remarks uttered by Dr. Myers on his website Pharyngula (which is outside of your university’s servers) caused offence to Mr. Donahue, there is no crime in offending people.  In a society such as Canada or the United States, democracy is built upon freedom of speech.  It is as much of a right for Dr. Myers to say Mr. Donahue is a “kook,” it is also as much of a right for Mr. Donahue to call for his termination.  Dr. Myers has committed no crime in his comments, and furthermore has brought much recognition to your university.

I humbly request that you pursue no action against Dr. Myers.  Thank-you for your consideration,


Ian Bushfield
President, UofA Atheists and Agnostics
University of Alberta

Cell: 780.904.4380


0 thoughts on “Help PZ Myers”

  1. radical sapphoq says:

    I sent in my e-mail.
    Thanks for helping to get the word out.

    I am astonished at the outrage this incident has created.
    If the student had not been manhandled by a woman at the Mass
    this whole thing would not have happened.

    The student gave the cracker back.
    Maybe it should be sold on e-Bay in order to raise some money
    so the Catholic Church can pay off some of the lawsuits

    generated by folks who were RAPED by priests as children.
    Priests who were then transferred to other parishes so
    that way they can rape again.



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