Rapture Video

I posted a new YouTube video in response to some rapture video someone posted on one of my videos.



3 thoughts on “Rapture Video”

  1. Sherry says:

    Well, well. Won’t you be surprised if it does happen, huh? Since I believe in the Rapture and the 2nd coming of Christ, I also believe in life after death. So, since I am assuming you don’t, then I will ask you this:

    If you’re right and I am wrong, then I will have lost NOTHING, correct? Great. Sounds like a winner.

    BUT, if I am right and you are wrong, boy will you lose it all. Do you know how long eternity is?

    There is no count that I know of. So, if you think life is moving a bit fast and it’s flying right by you, then, eternity for you is just about here. Am I correct? I think so.

    Once a person dies, then there is judgment, according to the Bible. If this is not true then we both have nothing to worry about. BUT, IF IT IS TRUE, you will have a whole lot to worry about. Sorry, friend, but that’s just the way it is. What’s the old saying, “better to be safe than sorry”? Mmmmm, very appropriate, I’d say. However, I just prayed for you that God open your heart to the real truth. The truth will set you free from this bondage you are in with Satan and you may not even know you’re in bondage because you don’t believe it. Satan is very subtle, so as time goes on you will find yourself hating more and more, going against God more and more. Hopefully, you will look back on these words,and ask God to forgive you. My friend, HE WILL. That’s how much He loves you. That’s the whole reason He sent His Son because He knew we could not conquer anything on our own (evil). I hope to see you in Heaven some day – I REALLY DO!!!!!
    Praise be to God Jehovah, the Father of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior of the world, who some, may know him not.


  2. Ian says:

    Sorry Sherry, but I will not subscribe to your fear-based mental subjugation.

    Your “argument” is commonly referred to as “Pascal’s Wager” and one needs to look no further than Wikipedia for a list of refutations to it. I have provided my own here, but I don’t think you read through my entire blog.

    I appreciate the comment, however please know that in the future I will only respond to arguments that have not been EXTENSIVELY dealt with in the future.


    Ian – Terahertz

  3. ANGELA says:

    So again prophesy has yet been full filled here before our very eyes! Christ said that there would be scoffers and mockers in the end days that would claim they know what they’re talking about..Yet we know as soldiers of Christ Jesus that these people, “mockers” have very little knowledge of the Bible and attain any given doctrine from “so reliable Wikipedia” to lead the world astray(another fullfillment of scripture) I just want share a little FYI with the public. The Bible is infallible in it’s accuracy. 70% has already been full filled and there is yet another 30% to still come from the book of Revelation. Jesus Is coming to redeem those who believe in Him before the time of Great Tribulation to come on Earth. That’s a pretty big gamble if you’re unsure….


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