The Journal almost printed me verbatim!

In response to the ridiculous editorial (thanks TPB!) a few days ago, I typed a letter into the Edmonton Journal, and they printed it today (9 June 2009), merely improving the grammar in a few points, and of course, changing “tar sands growth” to “oilsands development” (the T word isn’t allowed in the Journal).

I also have to ask, what’s up with the main title they gave me?

Anyways, here’s the letter:

Premier’s advisers should focus on issues, not bash the media

Don’t single out Mason

Re: “Stalin charges out of bounds,” Editorial, June 7.

It’s noble of The Journal to stand up for Premier Ed Stelmach against the mere words being thrown at him by Brian Mason.

Unfortunately, the editorial writer’s blinders erased the history of comparisons that have been tossed about the legislature recently.

On May 25, 2009, Liberal MLA Kevin Taft compared a different government bill to “the old Soviet system.”And on Oct. 22, 2008, Stelmach, clearly having no personal quarrels about Soviet references, said that Liberal calls to control oilsands development “sounds more like what they were doing in the former Soviet Russia.”

So before you call one honourable member out of line for his comments, please run a Hansard search and see that all parties perform as”unacceptably” as you consider the NDP to.

Ian Bushfield, Edmonton


5 thoughts on “The Journal almost printed me verbatim!”

  1. Saskboy says:

    They ..sanitized.. the tar sands? Interesting.

  2. Denny says:

    Saskboy: They did a similar thing to me a few months ago

  3. nakeddemocracy says:

    wondeer what the next label they will pin to Mason
    Universal Health Care Crusader?

  4. Denny says:

    Ooops, I didn’t notice that Ian already linked my blog.

  5. Pingback: Journey Around « Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff – Site News

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