

The Fraser Institute: “It’s crap”

This quote really made my day.

"Even when I could say, yes, this is great, this is validation of what we're saying, it's, it's crap," he said. "I'm sorry, are ministers not supposed to say that?"

The quote comes from Nova Scotia NDP Finance Minister Graham Steele when asked to comment on his province’s third place ranking in the Fraser Institute’s timely report that ranked provincial premier’s according to some voodoo math that assessed their “fiscal management.”

Nothing like calling a spade a spade.

The sad part is the response by the Vice-President of the Fraser Institute, who says without a trace of irony:

Our work is based on transparent measurement of policy.

The irony comes from the fact we have no clue who funds the Fraser Institute.

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  1. Thanks Graham,

    Well done for publicly criticizing the “Fraser Institute” for being a bias political organization.

    Somehow they get regular “News Time” which gives people the false impression they are an objective & intellectual organization.

    I hope your comments get plenty of “News Time”.

    Best Regards
    Casey Kelly
    Calgary, AB

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